Header Investigator
Header Investigator will allow the user to open WAV audio files and display the header information and make changes. The actual audio data is never changed… simply the header information. This is useful if the user has accidentally recorded audio while locked to an external digital clock source so that the header sample rate is a mismatch to the actual sample rate of the data – which causes the sound file to play back at the wrong pitch. By simply changing the sample rate in the header – the WAV files can be corrected without having to retransfer or sample rate convert the file.
Press the Open… button and the user may select one or more WAV sound files using the normal Windows convention (the Shift and Control modifiers may be used to select multiple files).
Press the Select button once the selected files are highlighted.
Any BWF time stamps or Pro Tools® region definitions which have been exported into the WAV file will be displayed for informational purposes only.
In the main window, clicking on a file name in the Selected Files list will display the header information for that sound file.
The user may change the header information and check the boxes for the header items they would like to change. When the Change button is pressed – the currently displayed header information, which is selected for change, will be applied to all files in the Selected Files list. Files may be removed from the Selected Files list by selecting them and hitting the Delete key on the keyboard.
The changes will not take long to be performed and the program will sound a beep when it has completed.
Download Header Investigator (102 kBytes)
Header Investigator is supplied As Is and without any warranties. Rail Jon Rogut, the author, shall have no liability or responsibility to the user or any other person or entity with respect to any liability, loss, or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by Header Investigator. The user (and not the author, Rail Jon Rogut) assumes the entire cost of any incidental or consequential damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) resulting from the use of Header Investigator.
You may send comments regarding Header Investigator to Rail Jon Rogut
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